Septic tank frequently asked questions are abundant because many people think a septic tank is a mysterious black box sitting underground and taking care of business.
It's something thought about with relatively low frequency except for those who've already had the misfortune of septic backup, the associated costly repairs and the unforgettable stench!
A well treated and functioning septic tank is the unsung hero but when leave it untreated and sooner or later you'll experience a true nemesis requiring gargantuan efforts to defeat.
If you are new to septic tanks or have never bothered to give it a thought, you may have some pressing questions needing to be answered... here's a summary of frequently asked septic questions and simple answers aimed at making your incursion into septic systems as easy as possible.
How often do you need to pump a septic tank? There's no standard answer; it varies on the size of the size of the tank, the size of the household, the type of waste thrown into it and the preventive maintenance it receives . However, on average a septic tank should be emptied on average every four years.
What are the signs that your septic tank is full? The tell tale signs that a septic tank is reaching full capacity are pretty consistent and easy to spot and / or smell :)
Nauseating odor: This is generally the first warning sign that something is wrong with your piping or your septic tank. This is generally caused by clogged pipes which impede waste from reaching the septic tank and start decomposing closer to the drains releasing smell of death straight into your household. Alternatively, your septic tank has been overloaded with more waste than the what the effective microorganisms can handle and it builds up releasing those all too familiar odors up the piping and back into the household.
Slow drains: Drains are meant to let liquids down at the same speed as they come in. If you are experiencing slow drainage or a slow flushing toilet it may be one of two reasons: In the best case scenario it's a clogged pipe. If a septic friendly drain cleaner doesn't solve the issue then you might be facing the worst case scenario of a full septic system.
Sewer backup: This sign usually follows untreated slow drains as liquids start pooling starting at your homes lowest drains and eventually moving on to the higher drains.
Lawn patches: Typically the grass covering your septic system should look no different that the rest of your lawn so if the grass around that area is suspiciously healthier and upon touch the soil feels moister then trust your instinct and call the specialists as your septic tank may be full or leaking.
Pooling water or sludge: Once the septic tank is full rest assured its content will find a way out. Initially it will be the cleaner water making an exit into your lawn but as the problem remains untreated waste will start clogging your pipes and the solids will start seeking escape at which point you have reached septic doom with decomposing waste polluting your lawn and household putting everyone at risk.
Does shower water go into the septic tank? Yes; all water from the household through the plumbing system powered by gravity and eventually finds its way into the septic tank.
How does a two tank septic system work? The first tank is designed to filter out solids which eventually decomposes while sewage makes its way into the smaller second tank for further treatment.
What happens if you don't pump your septic tank? Septic tanks need to be emptied on average every 4 years though the timing may vary depending on various factors. If a septic tank goes un-emptied for too long the solids will start creeping into the pipe which leads into the drain field causing septic backup.
Can too much rain cause septic problems? Yes, heavy rainfall can flood the ground around the drainfield therefor reducing the speed at which water flows out of your septic system.
How long does it take for toilet paper to decompose in a septic tank? Toilet paper is usually quick to breakdown in water with the process beginning within approx. 12 seconds and the decomposition process is further expedited with the aid of septic tank treatments containing chemical or live solutions which process toilet paper.
What should you NOT put in a septic tank? The list can be endless; most septic systems are designed to cope with common household waste such as organic waste, oil and soap so don't stress the system by putting in elements such as (but not limited to): plastics, cigarettes, tampons, diapers, condoms, or any other non-biodegradable product.
What is the best septic tank treatment? Well, in our opinion FLUSHTIME is the best septic tank treatment on the market but watch this market benchmark video and judge for yourself: FLUSHTIME
Ever wonder how the COVID-19 pandemic affects septic tanks? Find our here!
We hope you found this post useful and hopefully your question was answered but, if not, feel free to reach out at info@flushtime.co and we'll do our best to answer your septic question.
FLUSHTIME is a Nano-Tech based septic tank treatment capable of dealing with clogged pipes, backed up septic systems and the resulting bad odors.
Over 50 Billion natural beneficial bacteria are packed into a single capsule which when deployed into the septic system will rapidly multiply by digesting fats, grease, oils, organic matter and toilet paper restoring your septic field to optimal condition.